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Sports press clippings on the 26 September 2008

kad raya EMAIL by didaijau.
The Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) extends its best wishes for a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all its members of NSAs, Sponsors, Media, supporters and volunteers.

ZAKRY dan Fairuzizuan tersingkir pada pusingan kedua China Masters semalam.

GAMBAR dari udara litar F1 di Marina Bay Singapura semalam.

Nightmarish Day For Malaysian Shuttlers

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 25 (Bernama) -- The national badminton squad suffered back-to-back losses in the second round matches at the China Masters in Guangzhou, Thursday.

The major upset was when the top men's doubles pair Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong, who are seeded third, were shown the exit by the unseeded Sun Jun/Xu Chen of China in straight sets 25-23, 21-19.

Earlier, fourth-seeded pair Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif/Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari were outplayed by the Indonesian pair of Hendra Aprida Gunawan/Joko Riyadi in a three-set thriller 12-21, 21-19, 21-8.

The crumble continued with the pair of Mohd Razif Abdul Latif/Tan Wee Kiong being beaten by another Indonesian pair Yonatan Suryatama Dasuki-Rian Sukmawan followed by Hoon Thien How/Ong Soon Hock going down to second-seeded Cai/Fu Haifeng of China 21-15, 17-21, 22-20.

The Malaysian's mixed doubles fared no better with all three pairs in the fray shown the exit in their respective matches.

SECOND ROUND RESULTS (Only Malaysian matches):

Men's Doubles:

Sun Junjie/Xu Chen (CHN) bt Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong (MAS) 25-23, 21-19; Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif/Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari (MAS) bt Hendra Aprida Gunawan/Joko Riyadi (INA) 12-21,21-19, 21-8;

Khoo Chung Chiat/Tan Bin Shen (MAS) bt Chan Chong Ming/Chew Choon Eng (MAS) 22-20, 21-18;

Yonatan Suryatama Dasuki/Rian Sukmawan bt Mohd Razif Abdul Latif/Tan Wee Kiong 21-17, 21-19; Cai Yu/Fu Haifeng bt Hoon Thien How/Ong Soon Hock (MAS) 21-15, 17-21, 22-20.

Mixed Doubles:

Shen Ye/Pan Pan (CHN) bt Lim Khim Wah/Wong Pei Tty (MAS) 21-19, 21-19;

Muhammad Rijal/Vita Marissa (INA) bt Hoon Thien How/ Chin Eei Hui (MAS) 21-17, 17-21, 21-11;

Xie Zhongbo/Zhang Yawen (CHN) bt Koo Kien Keat/Ng Hui Lin (MAS) 23-21, 21-15.


Pemain M'sia Terus Alami Kekalahan

KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Sept (Bernama) -- Pasukan badminton Malaysia mengalami kekalahan berterusan dalam perlawanan pusingan kedua pada kejohanan China Masters di Guangzhou, hari ini.

Kejutan paling besar ialah apabila beregu utama negara Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong yang merupakan pilihan ketiga tewas kepada beregu bukan pilihan dari China Sun Jun/Xu Chen dengan 23-25, 19-21.

Terdahulu, beregu pilihan keempat Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif/Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari tewas kepada beregu Indonesia Hendra Aprida Gunawan/Joko Riyadi dalam tiga set 21-12, 19-21, 8-21.

Malang bagi pasukan negara berterusan apabila Mohd Razif Abdul Latif/Tan Wee Kiong tewas kepada satu lagi beregu Indonesia Yonatan Suryatama Dasuki-Rian Sukmawan dan Hoon Thien How/Ong Soon Hock tewas kepada beregu China Chai/Fu Haifeng.

Nasib yang sama turut menimpa tiga beregu campuran Malaysia apabila tewas kepada lawan masing-masing.

KEPUTUSAN PUSINGAN KEDUA (Hanya perlawanan Malaysia):

Beregu Lelaki: Sun Junjie/Xu Chen (CHN) mn Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong (MAS) 25-23, 21-19; Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif/Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari (MAS) mn Hendra Aprida Gunawan/Joko Riyadi (INA) 12-21, 21-19, 21-8; Khoo Chung Chiat/Tan Bin Shen (MAS) mn Chan Chong Ming/Chew Choon Eng (MAS) 22-20, 21-18; Yonatan Suryatama Dasuki/Rian Sukmawan mn Mohd Razif Abdul Latif/Tan Wee Kiong 21-17, 21-19; Cai Yu/Fu Haifeng mn Hoon Thien How/Ong Soon Hock (MAS) 21-15, 17-21, 22-20.

Beregu Campuran: Shen Ye/Pan Pan (CHN) mn Lim Khim Wah/Wong Pei Tty (MAS) 21-19, 21-19; Muhammad Rijal/Vita Marissa (INA) mn Hoon Thien How/ Chin Eei Hui (MAS) 21-17, 17-21, 21-11; Xie Zhongbo/Zhang Yawen (CHN) mn Koo Kien Keat/Ng Hui Lin (MAS) 23-21, 21-15.


Singapura Sudah Bersedia Anjur Formula 1 Waktu Malam

Oleh Zakaria Abdul Wahab

SINGAPURA, 25 Sept (Bernama) - Kerja-kerja saat terakhir sedang dilakukan untuk memperkemaskan litar lumba di beberapa jalan di Teluk Marina bagi perlumbaan Formula 1 di waktu malam yang pertama kali dianjurkan Singapura mulai esok.

Setelah lebih setahun perancangan dan lebih sebulan kerja-kerja dilakukan untuk menurap jalan tar baru, pemasangan lampu berkuasa tinggi dan pagar keselamatan serta tempat duduk penonton, akhirnya litar sepanjang lima kilometer itu sudah siap untuk digunakan.

Litar itu yang bersimpang siur di celah-celah bangunan bersejarah Singapura termasuk Parlimen dan Hotel Fullerton, akan hanya digunakan selama tiga hari sepanjang perlumbaan diadakan iaitu mulai esok untuk latihan dan lusa untuk latihan sekali lagi dan diikuti dengan perlumbaan pusingan kelayakan.

Malam Ahad adalah malam terakhir perlumbaan di mana para peserta akan berlumba sebanyak 61 pusingan hingga ke garisan penamat mulai pukul 8 malam.

Hampir 100,000 penonton termasuk separuh dari luar negara dijangka menyaksikan perlumbaan Formula 1 yang ke 800 kali ini, yang akan turut disaksikan oleh jutaan penonton di seluruh dunia melalui saluran televisyen sukan antarabangsa termasuk televisyen Singapura.

Menurut penganjurnya minggu lepas, 99 peratus daripada 80,000 tiket perlumbaan dari harga $100 hingga ke $7,000 sudah dijual untuk perlumbaan yang digelar FORMULA 1 SingTel Singapore Grand Prix, mengambil sempena nama penajanya Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.


FAS Akan Distrukturkan Semula, Rancangan Tubuh Sarawak FC Dibatalkan

KUCHING, 25 Sept (Bernama) -- Persatuan Bolasepak Sarawak (FAS) akan distruktur semula peranan, objektif dan strateginya bagi mengembalikan kegemilangan dan memperbaiki kedudukan kewangan persatuan itu berikutan masalah hutang RM3.5 juta.

Menteri Pembangunan Sosial dan Urbanisasi Sarawak Datuk Seri William Mawan Ikom berkata proses penstrukturan semula itu akan direncana pegawai-pegawai FAS dengan input yang diterima daripada semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam pembangunan bola sepak di Sarawak.

"Peranan FAS mengendalikan pasukan senior dikekalkan dan dengan itu cadangan pembentukan Sarawak FC ditangguhkan," katanya dalam sidang akhbar di sini, Khamis.

Pada 13 Mei lepas, Mawan mengumumkan bahawa sebuah kelab bola sepak baru yang fokus kepada usaha memenangi trofi bola sepak utama buat Sarawak akan ditubuhkan tidak lama lagi bagi mengembalikan mutu permainan bola sepak negeri ini yang merosot dalam kejohanan-kejohanan besar.

Mawan dipetik sebagai berkata dengan cadangan penubuhan kelab itu, FAS memainkan peranan baru terutama melaksanakan program pembangunan bola sepak jangka panjang dengan kementeriannya dan Jabatan Pelajaran.

Selain penstrukturan semula FAS, Mawan juga mengumumkan pembentukan Jawatankuasa Pemandu Pembangunan Bolasepak negeri diketuai Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian Pembangunan Sosial dan Urbanisasi Ik Pahon Joyik dan Murni Suhaili yang merupakan Timbalan Presiden FAS.

''Peranan utama jawatankuasa pemandu adalah merancang dan melaksanakan program pembangunan jangka panjang untuk melahirkan lebih ramai pemain-pemain muda dengan cara sistematik," katanya.

Ketika diminta mengulas lanjut mengenai jawatankuasa pemandu itu, Ik yang turut hadir pada sidang akhbar itu berkata secara amnya ia memfokus kepada melaksanakan pelan pembangunan bola sepak selama lima tahun yang akan berakhir pada 2012 dengan pendekatan yang lebih holistik.

Sementara itu, Setiausaha Agung FAS yang baru dilantik Mohamad Abu Bakar Marzuki berkata proses penstrukturan semula itu akan mengambil masa dua minggu dari sekarang dan maklumat lanjut mengenainya akan diumumkan selepas itu.

"Saya tidak dapat mendedahkannya sekarang tetapi saya berharap selepas dua minggu ia akan diumumkan," katanya, sambil menambah bahawa sebahagian daripada objektif proses penstrukturan itu adalah mencari jalan untuk membayar balik hutang yang terlalu lama ditanggung persatuan termasuk gaji, Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) dan cukai pendapatan kepada pemain dan pihak berkuasa.


PDRM Pula Dilanda Masalah Kewangan

KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Sept (Bernama) -- Seumpama 'barah', masalah kewangan yang melanda beberapa persatuan bola sepak negeri kini merebak kepada pasukan yang berstatus kelab.

Pasukan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) yang beraksi pada saingan Liga Super kini menjadi mangsa terbaru krisis kewangan apabila syarikat Inai Kiara, penaja musim lepas, dikatakan tidak lagi mahu menaja pasukan itu musim depan.

Pada musim 2007/08, PDRM mendapat penajaan hampir RM5 juta daripada syarikat itu sekaligus membolehkan mereka mendapatkan khidmat pemain-pemain terbaik tempatan dan pemain luar negara.

Antara bekas-bekas pemain ternama tempatan yang menyarung jersi PDRM pada musim lepas ialah pemain kebangsaan Mohd Nizaruddin Yusof, Norfarhan Mohamad, Azlan Ismail, Yosri Dermaraju dan Azizi Mat Rose.

Deretan pemain import PDRM yang silih berganti pada musim lepas terdiri daripada penyerang handalan Singapura Noh Alam Shah, Ahmad Latiff Kamarudin (Singapura), Hillary Echesa (Kenya) dan Budi Sudarsono (Indonesia).

Hakikat itu diakui sendiri oleh jurulatih PDRM K.Thaiyananthan yang menyatakan saingan musim 2009 yang bermula Januari depan akan menjadi lebih sukar kepadanya kerana pasukannya akan dibarisi pemain baru pada saingan Liga Super.

"Kita telah mengambil keputusan untuk melepaskan semua pemain dalam pasukan PDRM pada musim lepas dan pada musim 2009 pasukan ini akan diwakili sepenuhnya oleh anggota-anggota polis," katanya kepada Bernama di sini hari ini.

Thaiyananthan berkata persiapan dan latihan pasukan PDRM hanya akan bermula pada Oktober depan walaupun pasukan-pasukan lain telah memulakan latihan.

Beliau berkata selain mengambil anggota sebagai pemain, beberapa pemain daripada skuad Piala Presiden PDRM yang berbakat akan turut diserapkan ke dalam pasukan utama.

"Kita juga sedang berusaha untuk memanggil kembali tiga anggota polis yang mewakili Sabah dan Sarawak pada musim lepas," katanya.

Pada musim lepas PDRM hanya menduduki tempat kesembilan daripada 13 pasukan dalam saingan Liga Super manakala bagi Piala FA sekadar mara ke pusingan kedua.

Saingan Piala Malaysia berakhir di peringkat suku akhir apabila tunduk kepada Selangor dengan kelebihan gol di tempat lawan setelah terikat agregat 3-3.


Roslinda wants her former coach
National pole vaulter Roslinda Samsu has indicated that she would like to return to her secondary school coach Mansahar Abdul Jalil if the NSC decides not to extend her current coach Gennady Potapovich’s contract.
National pole vaulter Roslinda Samsu has indicated that she would like to return to her secondary school coach Mansahar Abdul Jalil if the NSC decides not to extend her current coach Gennady Potapovich’s contract.

ROSLINDA Samsu is set to return to her secondary school coach Mansahar Abdul Jalil if efforts to retain her present coach Gennady Potapovich come to nought.

With the National Sports Council (NSC) still undecided on whether to extend Ukrainian Potapovich's contract, Roslinda has indicated that she would rather be reunited with Mansahar, the coach who discovered the talented pole vaulter at SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah in Kajang.

"Roslinda requested that Potapovich be retained but if that is not possible, she said she prefers to return to her former coach Mansahar.

"We will take that into consideration when making our decision," said NSC athletics coordinator M. Magendran after a joint committee meeting with the Malaysian Amateur Athletic Union (MAAU) in Bukit Jalil on Wednesday.

MAAU deputy president Karim Ibrahim, who is vehemently opposed to retaining Potapovich, had proposed Belgian coach Ely Van Vlierberghe as a replacement.
"Due to Roslinda's request, we have put the MAAU's proposal to hire the Belgian coach on hold for the moment," added Magendran.

Roslinda, who had been training under Potapovich since 2005, set the current national pole vault record of 4.40m under the Ukrainian in 2006 but has failed to replicate that effort since.

Although she qualified for the Beijing Olympics, Karim argued her below par performance there was indicative of her lack of progress under Potapovich.

In another development, NSC approved MAAU's application to hire middle and long distance coach Aziz Mirzaei of Iran and assigned him to the back-up athletes in Bukit Jalil.

But their proposal to hire horizontal jumps coach Robert Emmiyan of Ukraine was denied.

Chong Wei wiser after Japan
Chong Wei’s aim is to improve his fitness and performance.
Chong Wei’s aim is to improve his fitness and performance.

FAILING to prepare is preparing to fail.

Lee Chong Wei learnt this the hard way in last week's Japan Open and he is ready to skip more tournaments in order to improve his fitness and performance.

Chong Wei could not capitalise on a relatively weak field to defend his Japan Open crown and lost tamely to Sony Dwi Kuncoro of Indonesia in the final on Sunday.

Chong Wei decided to withdraw from the ongoing China Masters even before playing in the final of the Japan Open and may also skip the Macau Open which begins on Tuesday.

Chong Wei's status as the World No 1 is safe for the moment as his main rival Lin Dan of China has also been absent from tournaments so far.
Lin Dan, the World No 2, failed to regain the top position from Chong Wei after withdrawing from the China Masters but will do so if he can win the Denmark Open on Oct 21-26.

"I had less than two weeks of solid training prior to the Japan Open but as I was the defending champion, I decided to compete there. My focus now is on improving my performance and not safeguarding the World No 1 ranking," said Chong Wei yesterday.

"A decision will be made tomorrow (today) whether I will play in Macau but having only started training yesterday (Wednesday), my condition hasn't changed that much.

"In my current condition, I will struggle in Macau but I have enough time to prepare for the Denmark and French (Oct 28-Nov 2) Opens.

"I must also be careful as I have been carrying a minor knee injury and I need to do a lot of conditioning training before competing in bigger tournaments again."

Chong Wei must also compete in the Johor Open on Nov 11-14 to qualify for the National Grand Prix Finals on Dec 17-21.

A semi-final spot in the Johor Open will be enough for Chong Wei to qualify for the GP Finals and attempt an unprecedented seventh consecutive national title.

Juniors through as seniors fall
Gan Teik Chai and Lin Woon Fui are one of the two men’s pairs left to carry Malaysia’s hopes.
Gan Teik Chai and Lin Woon Fui are one of the two men’s pairs left to carry Malaysia’s hopes.

KOO Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong's horrendous form continued while Zakry Latif-Fairuzizuan Tazari also stumbled in the second round of the China Masters in Changzhou yesterday.

Nothing went right for Kien Keat-Boon Heong, the third seeds, who suffered a demoralising 25-23, 21-19 defeat to China's back-up pair Xu Chen-Sun Junjie.

Fourth seeded Zakry-Fairuz seem to be heading in the same direction as their once top class compatriots when they suffered a 12-21, 21-19, 21-18 defeat to Hendra Gunawan-Joko Riyadi of Indonesia in the second round.

This left back-up pairs Gan Teik Chai-Lin Woon Fui and Khoo Chung Chiat-Tan Bin Shen as the only surviving Malaysians in the men's doubles as three other pairs also fell in the second round.

Teik Chai-Woon Fui had a free ride after receiving a walkover from Shuichi Sakamoto-Shintaro Ikeda of Japan and will play China's second seeds Cai Yun-Fu Haifeng, who beat another Malaysian combination Hoon Thien How-Ong Soon Hock 21-15, 17-21, 22-20, in the last eight today.
Chung Chiat-Bin Shen defeated compatriots Chan Chong Ming-Chew Choon Eng 22-20, 21-18 and will play Hendra-Joko next.

Back-up pair Razif Latif-Tan Wee Kiong were also shown the exit by Indonesians Yonatan Dasuki-Rian Sukmawan who won 21-17, 21-19.

Kien Keat-Boon Heong's defeat means they have failed to get past the preliminary rounds of all four Super Series events they have competed in this year.

This will further strengthen national doubles coach Rexy Mainaky's intention of splitting them sooner rather than later while Zakry-Fairuz must also buck up or face the same predicament.

In the women's doubles, Wong Pei Tty-Chin Eei Hui advanced to the quarter-finals after receiving a bye in the first round.

They will meet Zhang Dan-Zhang Zhibo of Macau today.

Results -- (2nd Rd) Men's Singles: Bao Chunlai (Chn) bt Sho Sasaki (Jpn) 21-15, 18-21, 21-17; Chen Jin (Chn) bt Gong Weijie (Chn) 25-23, 21-8; Taufik Hidayat (Ina) bt Chen Yu (Chn) 21-15, 21-18; Sony Dwi Kuncoro (Ina) bt Andrew Smith (Eng) 21-14, 21-12.

Doubles: Markis Kido-Hendra Setiawan (Ina) bt Songpon Anugritayawon-Tesana Panvisvas (Tha) 21-12, 21-12; Hendra Gunawan-Joko Riyadi (Ina) bt Zakry Latif-Fairuzizuan Tazari 12-21, 21-19, 21-8; Yonatan Dasuki-Rian Sukmawan (Ina) bt Razif Latif-Tan Wee Kiong 21-17, 21-19; Khoo Chung Chiat-Tan Bin Shen bt Chan Chong Ming-Chew Choon Eng 22-20, 21-18; Xu Chen-Sun Junjie (Chn) bt Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong 25-23, 21-19; Cai Yun-Fu Haifeng (Chn) bt Hoon Thien How-Ong Soon Hock 21-15, 17-21, 22-20.

Mixed Doubles: Xie Zhongbo-Zhang Yawen (Chn) bt Koo Kien Keat-Ng Hui Lin 23-21, 21-15; Muhammad Rijal-Vita Marissa (Ina) bt Hoon Thien How-Chin Eei Hui 21-17, 17-21, 21-11; Shen Ye-Pan Pan (Chn) bt Lim Khim Wah-Wong Pei Tty 21-19, 21-19.

Tengku Abdullah sends out confusing signals

TENGKU Abdullah Sultan Ahmad, in denying that he is a candidate for the post of Malaysian Hockey Federation president, has not ruled out accepting nominations.

The former FA of Malaysia deputy president, responding to a newspaper report, said he had been contacted by an individual who wanted to know whether Tengku Abdullah was interested in the post.

Tengku Abdullah's reply was that he wanted to know more about MHF before making a decision.

"Other than the individual contacting me, I have not spoken to anyone about going for the post of MHF president," said Tengku Abdullah in Kuantan late on Wednesday.

"However, if there are some who feel that I can be considered for the post, I suggest they meet me.
"I will then decide about it. However, I must have the support and also the views from others before making such a move.

"The nomination date is still a long way away. I may decide when it gets closer."

Nominations open on Oct 3 and close on Oct 25 with election on Nov 1.

The same newspaper report, quoting unidentified sources, said MHF president Admiral (R) Tan Sri Anwar Mohd Nor and his deputy Tunku Majid Sultan Iskandar would not contest the president's post if Tengku Abdullah goes for it.

Tengku Abdullah said he does not want to be seen as interfering in MHF's affairs.

"The leadership should be chosen through a democratic process so no one needs to fight for the president's post.

"If one feels he is capable of leading the association, then he should step forward and offer himself to take the lead."

Tengku Abdullah said his interest in hockey is due to its potential.

"It is a popular sport and it has the potential to reach a higher level on the international stage."

With Tengku Abdullah sending confusing signals and Anwar and Tunku Majid having an agreement whereby the candidate with the highest number of nominations wins the president's post uncontested, the coming weeks promise to be interesting.

PSHA adamant on getting answers
N irate Penang State Hockey Association (PSHA) secretary Ranjit Singh refuses to let go, saying he will continue to question alleged irregularities in the Malaysian Hockey Federation.

Ranjit, who was ticked off for submitting a letter questioning several issues during Saturday's council meeting, said hockey will go down the drain if MHF doesn't change.

Among his queries were who approved Malaysia's hosting of the 2007 Champions Trophy, the catering cost of RM47,000 and the free board and lodging for competing teams.

MHF deputy president Tunku Majid Sultan Iskandar expressed displeasure over the letter but Ranjit said all he did was ask questions on PSHA's behalf.
"PSHA is still waiting for answers on the Champions Trophy fiasco. We are doing this to save hockey in the country. MHF must change or hockey will be beyond repair."

Hosting the Champions Trophy left MHF RM1.5 million in the red.

New combination of Bin Shen-Chung Chiat save the day


KUALA LUMPUR: Top national men’s doubles pair Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong’s agonising run in international tournaments continued when they crashed out in the second round of the China Masters in Guangzhou yesterday.

World No. 5 Kien Keat-Boon Heong crashed to a 21-23, 19-21 defeat by China’s unheralded pair of Sun Junjie-Xu Chen for the first time.

It was left to the new combination of Tan Bin Shen-Khoo Chung Chiat to save the day for Malaysia as they joined regular campaigners Gan Teik Chai-Lin Woon Fui in the last eight.

Kien Keat-Boon Heong, who have yet to win a title this year, had hoped to give a good account in the China Masters after losing tamely in the quarter-finals of the Beijing Olympic Games to eventual champions Markis Kido-Hendra Gunawan of Indonesia.

Shalin hoping to bounce back after South Korean flop

KUALA LUMPUR: Top national woman bowler Shalin Zulkifli knows she has under-performed at the Samho Cup €” a professional tournament €” in South Korea, when she failed to make the first cut on Wednesday.

And that’s why she is hoping for a quick rebound when she makes her debut in the Professional Bowling Association (PBA) women’s Pro Tour, which will begin next month in the United States.

In the Samho Cup, Shalin could only finish in 160th spot after 18 games in the first stage.

Only the top 36 out of the 224 bowlers get to feature in the second stage.

With the likes of top world amateur Jason Belmonte of Australia and World Championships gold medallist Rhino Page of the United States and a host of Korean pros in the field, Shalin found it difficult to keep pace.

Shalin, who was hoping for a good showing as a timely boost ahead of the women’s pro in US, said she would use the next one month to raise her game to a higher level.

“I really did not bowl as well as I should have. It proves that I have a lot to do and learn before I leave for the women’s pro event,” said Shalin.

For the record, Shalin is the first Malaysian bowler venturing into the world of professional bowling.

Football: FAS in the red

KUCHING: The FA of Sarawak (FAS) are in bad shape. They are RM3.5mil in debt and owe money to their players, the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and Inland Revenue Department.

The FA’s new secretary-general Mohd Abu Bakar Marzuki said they had yet to settle salary arrears of their senior team players.

“It is our responsibility to settle the debts,” he added after top officials of the revamped FAS met with state Social Development Minister and Urbanisation Minister Datuk William Mawan at Bangunan Baitulmakmur here yesterday.

Mawan, who is the minister in charge of sports, said the restructured FAS, under new president and Daro assemblyman Dr Murni Suhaili, were expected to come up with a development blueprint and action plan in two weeks.

Mawan was confident the new team could help revive Sarawak football.

Mohd, the Sarawak Foundation director, said that besides raising money to clear the debts, FAS would need an injection of funds to finance their programmes.

He declined to indicate if the financially-strong Sarawak Foundation would “rescue” FAS.

Mawan also said a Sarawak football development steering committee had been set up, and they had come up with a five-year programme to groom young players for national competitions.


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