I AGREE with V.L. of Klang that the scheduling of school sports meets leaves much to be desired ("A case of too much too soon" -- NST, Jan 23).
This gave the teachers and trainers ample time to train and select the best to represent their houses at the annual school sports meets, and thereafter, to represent their schools in the inter-school meet at district level.
This well-planned schedule ensured that the best were selected from school to district to state and, finally, at national level. Thus, those who represented the nation at international level were the cream of the crop.
Events were always planned to avoid clashes of schedules. Even at school level, morning schools had sports practice in the evenings and afternoon schools had sports practice in the mornings.
Today, the impression one gets is that sports is regarded as something more of a nuisance in the school calendar to be got out of the way, so that students can concentrate on scoring As in their examinations.
Shouldn't it be time we put the fun back into schooling, for students as well as teachers?
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