THE ad hoc committee of the suspended Malaysia Taekwondo Association (MTA) has made the first move to unify the warring factions with an open meeting yesterday and promised to give the clubs more prominent roles.
Yesterday's meeting, organised for the first time by the ad hoc committee, was attended by officials from all three associations as well as state taekwondo bodies and taekwondo instructors of the clubs.
Tunku Imran said that the process of ending the turmoil in taekwondo which has crippled the development and welfare of the athletes, will only end when the constitutional amendments are complete and MTA's house is put in order.
He added that the suspended MTA will regain its status as the body to govern taekwondo when all the issues are resolved, at the latest by August, where the other bodies -- Malaysia Taekwondo Federation (MTF) and Malaysia Taekwondo Clubs Association (MTCA) -- will dissolve.
"There is obviously a situation where the clubs have been doing the work and feel that they didn't receive any support from the state associations.
"Several guidelines have to be adhered to in order to allow clubs to fall under the premier category and most importantly, they must be registered with the Sports Commissioner to be eligible."
The clubs' success rate of producing national junior and senior exponents, membership and effective development programmes are some of the other things which will be monitored before granting them premier status.
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