Khairy (third from left) addressing the media after launching the 13th Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress as Dr. Ramlan (extreme right) watches on. Khairy (third from left) addressing the media after launching the 13th Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress as Dr. Ramlan (extreme right) watches on.
NATIONAL athletes have been urged not to treat the National Sports Institute (ISN) as a ‘clinic’, they should instead be making more effort to learn sports science application to enhance their sporting career. Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said there is a tendency for athletes to merely seek treatment at the centre rather than spend some time there to understand the ways NSI can help them increase their sports science knowledge.
“I don’t want the athletes to refer to sports science only when it comes to injury,” said Khairy after launching the 13th Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress. “They should not be going to ISN only when they are injured or sick, or even when they want to hit the gym there. It has to be more than that. “Meticulous planning, in terms of performance has to be done earlier on from ISN. “ISN cannot be viewed as a clinic for the athletes. It has to be viewed as a comprehensive preparation centre for them physically and mentally.” On the same matter, Khairy added, his ministry will be seeking extra funding for the institute to remain relevant according to progression of time and technology.
According to him, ISN are allocated RM30 million annually and that does not include the RM17 million set aside for the 2016 Rio de Janeiro programme over four years. “But we are looking to apply for a bigger budget, I can’t tell you the specific figure at the moment because it depends on the Ministry of Finance obviously,” he explained. “(ISN CEO, Datuk) Dr. Ramlan (Abdul Aziz) has asked for a bigger budget, and we will try to accommodate his request.
“The field of sports science changes constantly and there is a need for us to ensure we get the best service and training for our sports science practitioners, as well as the latest facilities too. “But the existing budget is enough for us in preparation to Rio Olympics. “It’s just that if we want to expand the capacity of sports science and in the long run, we certainly need a bigger budget.”
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