Malaysia has been given the honour as the second Asian country to host the 12th World Sport for All Congress, which will be held in Genting Highlands, Pahang, from Nov 3 to 6. The biennial event, first held in the Asian region in Seoul, South Korea in 1996, is organised by the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee. “The congress is open to all Malaysians who have interest in and passion for sports development, especially sports leaders, managers, officials and teachers,” OCM honorary-secretary Datuk Sieh Kok Chi said in a statement here today. The theme of the 12th world congress is “Sport for All - For Life”. Sieh said 15 invited international speakers, including three Malaysians, will speak on various issues related to sports development. The Malaysians are Dr Wee Eng Hoe from the Faculty of Sports Science and Recreation, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Dr Selina Khoo (Sports Centre, Universiti Malaya) and Moira Tan (...